Main faith groups:
Traditional religions
Religion plays a central role in the country. The majority of the population is Christian, but traditional religions are also widely followed, as is Islam. Religious leaders are key figures in every community. Religious leaders are trusted sources of information and have the unique ability to promote tolerance and guide their communities towards peaceful coexistence especially in a war-torn country like South Sudan. Religion plays a vital role in peacebuilding and in South Sudan religious leaders are respected and generally not seen as a part of the conflict.
Religious context
Main Faith-Based Organization Partners: The South Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC); the South Sudan Islamic Council (SSIC); Search for Common Ground; Catholic Radio Network
Engaged with FBOs to support health programs and campaigns geared towards polio and guinea worm eradication as well as prevention of diseases with epidemic.
Organized workshops with Search for Common Ground and 37 religious leaders to provide a platform to discuss the drivers of conflict within their communities and brainstorm themes and messages that can be integrated into sermons to reinforce social cohesion and strengthen tolerance.
Main Government Affiliates: Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare; Ministry of Health
Priorities: Education; Gender Equality; Health; Nutrition
Social and Behavior Change Expected:
Parents take appropriate care of their children ensuring immunization and nutrition.
Children gets breast milk from their birth to 6 months of age.
Both boys and girls are treated equally.
All children regardless their gender go to school regularly.
Community members have uniform understanding on critical issues from their most trusted source.
Political leaders and state executives can take measures easily when it is supported by faith based organization